Friday, May 16, 2008


I've finally jumped onto the blogspot bandwagon. Actually I thought I had one but apparently I was wrong. Either way it would have been an old account. I've used livejournal for years and still do but why the sudden change of heart? A few friends got blogspots to document their travels, to talk about the conferences they go to, to spy on the people that document their travels and talk about the conferences they go to, you get the idea. So, where do I fit in. Probably one of three categories. I'll give you a hint, I don't plan on traveling or attending any conferences anytime soon. So I'm here to spy. But I'm also here to talk about my new website .

What is is my personal creative portfolio site including photography, illustration, graphic arts, eventually web design stuff, etc. It is not in it's finished state but neither is any website (or that's the way it should be). I actually created this version for a final project for my introduction to web design class.

The future of my site:

In the future I hope to add more portfolio pieces to the site as well as change up the design a bit to better reflect myself as a designer as my style changes. Also since I'm a marketing major I hope to use my site to learn the google analytics interface, as well as work on some SEO. I will admit, this is going to be a challenge as it is a 100% flash site. This means I will probably have to do some research on alt tags and other web marketing fun things. But for now it's a start.

My current experiments:

I've had analytics tracking the site for a week. I sent the site to my mother, put a link in my aim profile and posted it on facebook. It told me where people were looking at it and where they were coming from. Most people are still coming straight to the site, as it can't be found in search engines. Since such a small number of people have access to it right now I've been able to narrow down who exactly has viewed it including one of my roommates from Midway and another roommate from here at Champlain. This was easy based on geographical location - Providence R.I. and Los Angeles C.A.

For tonight I think that will be all. I need to find my bed then sleep in it, for a long, long time. I need my rest, I have an interview for a marketing internship tomorrow

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