Monday, July 7, 2008

Posters and Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Posters are finished. I created these posters for the Cornish Fair Association to advertise the Karaoke Contest and the Cornish Fair. The fair will be held August 15, 16, and 17, 2008 at the fairgrounds in Cornish, NH. Small town, big fun.

So, what's next? My goal for the next two weeks is to finish my internship hours. Completing my hours will hopefully free up some time in my schedule for a little while. Maybe not. It all depends on an opportunity I was recently informed about. Last week my academic adviser contacted me about an opportunity to work with Champlain College's Emergent Media Center on a project for the United Nations. After reading the e-mail I was pretty much sold on the project. I submitted my cover letter and resume. I received an e-mail saying they would get back to me this week. I'm hoping for the best. It is a market research position and it's for the United Nations and it's for a good cause. Excited, nervous, anxious.

Unfortunately it looks like I might not have time to rebuild my site until school starts again. Sometime in the next couple of weeks I hope to add these posters and some other projects and illustrations to the site. I've been working on adding video. I've taken one web design class and therefore one class with minimal Flash exposure. My skills are novice, every time I want to add a cool feature I have to do some studying on my own, which takes time. None of this is reflected on the site now but it will be coming soon. I also have linked to this very blog. Of course I could link to my youtube account but I really want to embed the videos. Work earns me $ not time.

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