Thursday, August 21, 2008

To Africa

It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago I learned about this amazing opportunity to work with the Emergent Media Center, Population Media Center and the United Nations. Over the last few weeks I've learned so much about a culture that is not my own. I can only imagine what I am about to experience. Not many people have opportunities like this. During research I have had my fears and doubts about whether or not this project could ever be successful. I've wondered how an electronic game coupled with the Sabido Method could tackle a problem as big as violence towards women and create change. Nobody knows for sure. This is the first time something like this has been done. As the project progresses and we access new resources and find more information, I am more confident about the future of this project. I'm happy to be working with some of the greatest and most creative minds at Champlain to make this project possible.

I look forward to spending the next ten days with everyone. WHO'S READY?


Follow me on my journey to South Africa right here.
Follow the group on facebook and at our blog

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