Sunday, August 31, 2008

Post Africa Transition

Just arrived back in the United States after vising South Africa for a week. It was an amazing experience and I look forward to filling everyone in about everything that happened. I'm preparing for the transition that I will need to make over the next few days. From the logistics of needing to do laundry, buy books for fall classes and go grocery shopping to adjusting to my surroundings, I know it will probably be a tough week. After spending the last 24 hours in travel I've been transplanted from Cape Town South Africa to Burlington, Vermont. I've gone from seeing the beautiful city, to mile after mile of shacks, to airplane interior to the comfort of my Burlington apartment.

Over the next few days I hope to update about my experience, post some photos and share my thoughts about what I saw. For now, I'm going to keep myself awake by getting some sun and catching up with college friends I have not seen since April.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I noticed your blog is very nice and interesting to me, so I thought I would leave you a comment to let you know that I liked it.

I also would like to invite you to visit me here in San Diego. There you will find my labels, and meditations, and music videos, but mostly my art in different perspectives...

hope to see you soon thank you